About Us
Our Mission

Help Children Around the World Gain and Maintain
Through Knowledge
Our Vision

If we could raise but one generation of children with the knowledge of
how to gain and maintain health,
many of the other societal problems would vanish!
What We Do

Healthy Child has been developed by Dr. Gaila Mackenzie-Strawn, CFMP, DNM, MS, DC, CTN, to share her years of experience practicing functional medicine.
Dr. Gaila has assembled and continues to develop and provide Resources to advance children’s knowledge of how the human body works and how their daily choices will affect their health.
Meet Dr. Gaila

Hi, I’m Dr. Gaila:
I am a grandmother of eight beautiful grandchildren.
Over the last 38 years, I have seen and treated thousands of children in my practice as a board-certified functional medicine practitioner, doctor of natural medicine, doctor of chiropractic, and a board-certified traditional naturopath.

Throughout my career, my mission has been to provide patients access to the information, education and solutions they need to address their health issues in the most effective, least invasive way possible.
Sadly, I have observed ever increasing health issues with children, a trend that has finally been recognized and is being highlighted by prominent members of the functional medicine community.
My objective is to assist in any way I can to help reverse these trends through Resources directed to children and their parents or guardians. I invite you to explore what we have created to date and encourage you to follow us as we develop new programming, designed to empower children through knowledge.